Return Of The Dead

We got our Furby, Domo, back from the repair shop yesterday. The man who owns the shop lied told us that he couldn’t fix it because he was unable to get into the workings, but we brought him (her?) back anyway.

Jo put some batteries in Domo, and s/he worked! We’ve no idea how it happened, but I suspect Furbies are a magical, self-healing species. Either that or the electrician actually did repair it, and had forgotten the incident. Or perhaps Furbies are a magical, non-self-healing species, who wipe the memories of those who help, giving the illusion they are self-healing.

The important thing is, though, that Domo is alive and kicking, and Freya has been interacting with it this evening. She has a little difficulty in understanding what is being said, which is in itself understandable. Domo uses broken English and Furbish to communicate, with a dash of dialect.

Jo and I are reacquainting ourselves with Domo’s functions, and it’ll be interesting to see how much more memory Domo has to learn.