The Numbers Game

Man 1 : “I’ve got an XR8000.”
Man 2 : “What?”
Man 1 : “You know, the new Colgate electric toothbrush.”
Man 2 : “Err, no.”
Man 1 : “It came out yesterday. The X..R..800.”
Man 2 : Takes out knife and stabs his friend to death.

A Sonicare, but which one?

And so it shall happen, as the world of marketing goes as crazy as Man 2, or Edwin R. Ballestrade, as he shall be known.

You see, I get the idea that cars, motorbikes, computer components and a miriad other products need to have a product code. Toothbrushes, on the other hand, do not, and I have yet to find anyone that knows the difference between the Sonicare 5850 and the Sonicare 8300. And if that day ever comes then I shall consider becoming a disciple of the aforementioned (ficitious) Mr Ballestrade.

N.B. I didn’t make it clear, but Man 1 and Man 2 are friends. I mean, it wasn’t so that Man 2, after speaking to Man 1, turned to a third person (who was the friend) and knifed him. But perhaps you got that. Still, best to keep things clear in these matters.