A Reason For Birth-Control

I’ve been having a few behavioural problems with a child in Class 0 (six year-olds), so, after a few warnings, I sent a letter to his parents, asking them to have a word.

One of the teachers of this particular chap came to me today, and explained that the mother had indeed had a word, and it seems they have a whole healthy procedure when it comes to discipline. Apparently they write all the bad things this child has done on a whiteboard next to his bed. Just before he goes to bed, they go through the list and talk about them, whatever that means.

That someone is happy to conduct themselves in such a way is certainly reproachful, but to then willingly divulge this information to others, unconcerned that it may actually be totally inappropriate conduct, beggars belief.

Why do I concentrate on the children’s behaviour, when I have so much evidence to apportion the blame on their loving mothers and fathers.