Freya meets Link

Freya has started to take a deeper interest in videogames, and it’s thanks to the Nintendo DS and Zelda.

Jo received Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for Xmas, and is already addicted. She has spent the last two evenings, stylus in hand, even lying in bed and playing late into the night, whilst Freya and I sleep soundly. I’ve also played a bit, and could easily find myslef in the same situation as Jo, had we the luxury of two DS’s.

Yesterday morning Freya sat next to me while I started the game. She sat silently, watching the screen as I relayed the story to her. And she calmly watched as I made my way around Mercay Island, talking with its inhabitants, trying to cross the broken bridge to get to the port, and receiving the first puzzle. Freya helped me to count the palm trees on the south beach, the answer then being written on “Grandfather’s” storeroom sign, which then opened up to reveal a chest, where Link’s sword lay.

Freya then took a more active role, taking the DS and stylus when we came across the first monsters. She tapped the screen wildly, initiating Link’s thrust attack, and demolished said monsters with aplomb.

Since then Freya has watched while Jo or I play, and has played on her own. While she misses the finer points of the game, it is encouraging to see her involve herself in one of the best game-series ever created. She is quite able to steer Link using the stylus, entering houses and caves, dispatch enemies and pick up rupees (“diamonds” according to Freya). I shall be encouraging her newfound interest in games, which have also recently included Eye Toy 3 and a simple Dora The Explorer game for the PS2. I may even invest in a mini controller for her.