The Return Of The Pudding

Like many parents, we worry about the amount and kind of food that our offspring consume. Freya has been not so eager of late to eat food, and our liberal approach of asking her just to taste everything before she declines is starting to get to me a bit, since it is not reaping the rewards I wish it to. In fairness, the recently introduced “three more mouthfuls” tactic has worked, and I’m happy for that small blessing.

Today we made Sneaky Dad’s Pudding, a mixture of strawberries, banana, avocado, peanut butter, flax oil, carob powder, soya milk and orange juice. Now, I know it does not sound like the kind of thing that would be tasty, or be appreciated by children, but it is actually very nice. Everything gets whizzed up in a food processor, giving it the consistency of half-melted ice-cream, and has lots of minerals that any child would benefit from.

Both Freya and Zelda tucked in, and Freya even had three portions of it. She wasn’t so enthusiastic when she was little, but now she claims she wants it every day. I’m not sure just how long it’ll take before they get bored of it, though for the first time in a while she is eating very well.