G8 Thoughts

The anticipated G8 meeting has come and gone. The 8 richest countries in the world (U.K., U.S.A., Germany, France, Japan, Russia, Italy and Canada) gathered to discuss two important issues: poverty in Africa and global warming.

Not surprisingly (due, I’m sure, to America’s unwillingness to being told what to do) nothing came of the environmental talks, though several points were reached about Africa, in the form of money and medicine for the Aids epidemic.

Protesters have claimed that nothing good can ever come from the G8 meeting, because of the very idea that Tony Blair wants to see privatisation in the continent, which itself will perpetuate the problem.

The Jon of 15 years ago would have been standing behind the protesters with a raised fist in a show of revolutionary camaradarie; however, the Jon of now (although from tomorrow, the Jon of then) can’t help feeling more positive about the situation. A bit, mind you.

While I think it is a noble cause, I’m less concerned about the evil machinations of consumerism, and more worried about corruption and weapon trade in the New Africa.