London Bombing

After September 11th in the USA, and Madrid, London has been exposed to a new terrorist attack, with the London Underground and a bus being bombed, killing 52 people.

At present Al Qaida is suspected for the attacks, and The European Al Qaida or Al Qaida in Europe (or some such bollocks) has taken responsibilty.

It doesn’t happen so often nowadays that I take a standpoint about things I can even hope to understand, but for the sake of this blog, I shall.

America :they should never have gone to war. I know many people were gladdened by it, but having lived in the IRA era, where terrorism was the norm for a bitter and ignored underdog, it was plain to see the consequences of war.

Terrorism :the killing of innocent civilians sucks, and always shall do.

Spain : you should never have withdrawn your troops after the Madrid bombing. It gives power to the terrorists. Also, finish what you started, you bastards.