Not Quite The Muppets

Continuing the outing theme, we went to a puppet theatre today, Dockteatern Tittut, puppetry for children from two years old.

Today’s show was a forty minute version of H.C. Anderson’s Thumbelina, with two puppeters/actors taking on all the story’s roles. Unusually, they weren’t hidden behind a black veil, but were as much a part of the story as the puppets they were controlling.

Freya was a bit tired, had just drunk some juice (sugar-kick, anyone?) and was part of a 40-odd audience; she phased in and out of the performance, sometimes interacting with some of the other children present. All in all, though, she enjoyed herself and must have earned some experience points from the event.

Jo and I liked the show very much, too, and will definitely be making more frequent visits to this theatre.