Hooked On Classics

At the moment it is quite fashionable to put on concerts with a live orchestra and play music from videogames old and new. Actually, I wouldn’t say fashionable, more that there are two different tours currently making their way across America and Europe. One is “Video Games Live” who, according to their website, are scheduled to play Sweden sometime this year, and the other is “Play! A videogame symphony“, who played in Stockholm this afternoon. Jo and I were there.

The public was made up of a large amount of gamers, along with a sprinkling of normal concert goers. I have no idea what they (or for that matter the orchestra) thought of the event. Some of the pieces are taken from modern games that are already orchestrated, so I can imagine it’s not so different; however, the retro pieces/melodies are, because of the audio limits of the time, a different kettle of fish. I wondered a few times throughout the concert if the orchestra members were bored because of the (assumed) simplicity of the songs. Arne Roth, the director, did say that the Mario Theme was one of the trickiest to perform, so perhaps it is not at the case.

I enjoyed the whole concert immensely; not only to be presented with game music in a way my ears are not accustomed to, but the surreality of it all. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by folk who have chosen to be a part of geekdom for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon.

Whilst we were there Freya was spending the afternoon with Jack. When she woke up in the morning she was pretty much ready to go, standing around with her bag full of toys to take with her. When we eventually did go (the wait must have seemed like an eternity) she had absolutely no problem with our leaving her. We hadn’t expected her to, but she almost seemed happy to be rid of us.

We had planned to pick up Freya after the concert and go home to an important football match, Denmark vs Sweden. On our arrival we were asked by Mark and Sara if we were hungry (always a yes, at that moment incredibly so). We accepted the offer of food and ended up staying a further 3 hours or so, enjoying their company fully.

Freya was very sad when we got ready to leave, wanting to stay over. It’s fantastic to know that Freya has such a friendship with Jack, and opens up the possibility of a safe haven for Freya in the future, when we go off to do similar “adult” things.