The Reason Why I Don’t Go Out Much Nowdays

At the beginning of this week I received an email informing me that The Streets concert, which I had bought tickets for the day they were released, has been cancelled, due to the singer leaving the band. We were quite disappointed about this, this being one of the few bands we wish to see live.

Not to be too put off by ths news, we looked forward, instead, to a Linton Kwesi Johnson gig, tickets to which I got for Jo’s birthday. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get a babysitter in time, which meant that Jo and our friend Chris went instead, leaving me happily at home to take care of Freya.

I got a telephone call about an hour after Jo’s departure, informing me that the concert had changed date to next Sunday. This actually didn’t turn out as bad as it sounds, though, since Jo and I have time to get a babysitter sorted for that date, and Jo and Chris could spend all evening, until 4am, drinking Gin and Tonic.

Still undeterred, we went to town today to see James Hollingworth, a Swedish musician known from the 70’s for creating some absolute masterpieces. Anything that is entitled “The elk are demonstrating”, “I am a toothbrush”, and “Ebert” (with the immortal opening lyrics, “Hello, what’s your name? My name is Ebert and I’ve got a frog in my pocket”) deserves to been seen live, and we were looking forward to all three of us being entertained on this rainy afternoon.

Surprise, surprise: there was no concert. We had completely messed up the dates, and James was probably somewhere miles away drinking tea and eating dainty biscuits, because he is scheduled to play next weekend.

If I were to be pessimistic about the whole thing, I could add that our friends from London went back on Tuesday, Wolves lost 3-1 on Friday night, and I start work tomorrow (after a year of paternity leave), but I won’t.

Axl Walken?

Ok , fact is – Axl can still deliver rock like few others!
Of that I am convinced after seeing the concert and I am very glad I went to finally see him Live at The Globe Arena.

Even so, Mr Rose is confusing me, not because he is a legbiting 40+, allegedly inhalating oxygen between songs, fighting with Tommy Hilfiger ((!) come on is THAT rock n roll?) or unfortunately not having the stamina to give me the visual stage energy he used to.
I am just a bit abashed by his real identity.
Was is Axl that danced in Fatboy Slims “Weapon of choice” and was it Christopher that put on his Milli-Vanilli wig and Welcomed us to the jungle last monday?

Use your illusion……..

Posted in Jo

ARS and Alko

Although the title gave enough of a giggle for me to stop right there I thought about sharing thoughts from a work-visit to Helsinki last wednesday.

ARS06 – Sense of the Real at Kiasma

Maybe not funny as in laughing funny, but definitely an art-exhibition I would to recommmend anyone having an errand in Finland. It really gives your brain a kick and I strongly doubt anyone leaves without any kind of opinion at all.

I do think PETA would have something to say about the stuffed horse, but when finding Sony’s PSP being the main sponsor in a nearby room it was almost forgotten. Hurrah for gaming!

ALKO – It is just so obvious and well thought out isn´t it? You buy alcohol, basta!

Which made my wonder why the Swedish version is called Systembolaget , Company of Schemes.

After visiting their website I found out that the short version of a long story was that around 1800 all alcohol was not only free to brew and drink, but was every man’s/woman’s/child’s human right. The Swedes, and children included(!), then drank 45 litres of pure spirits per year. This led to some smartasses thinking they had to do something about the so called chaos. Therefore, in Falun the aforementioned started a company who would deal with the brewing.

This, together with a scheme they invented in Gothenburg, where you both bought and drank ( sound like a pub to me), was the beginning of the modern Systembolaget. After the ration-book era this company was here to stay.

Still have not really understood how they have been able to make sure the monopoly hasn´t moved an inch from its standing ground though. Oh yes, I would like to be able to choose myself when i want to buy an aperitif, but I still want to give them credit for having a fantastic and enormous selection of whatever dizziness you require.

It would just sound better to go visit “the Alko” sometimes…

Posted in Jo


´Om du tror att din insats skulle vara
för liten för att för göra någon skillnad, försök att
sova i samma rum som en hungrig mygga´

´If you think your contribution is too small to make a difference, try sleeping in the same room as a hungry mosquito.´


Posted in Jo

Max 500

Oh, how I have waited! Yesterday Kent´s new single was released and I have now legally bought/downloaded it. It has now been played numerous of times and yes, depressing and brilliant! That of course beeing my humble opinion.

Posted in Jo